Things to do in Geneva
Geneva offers newcomers plenty of things to do. As sometimes it might seem boring at the first glance, we have put together the list of regular meetings, activities, parties and sport events happening in Geneva regularily. Soon you will discover that Geneva is, in fact, very lively organic city with plenty of things to do, many happenings and events going on here, almost every day. People in Geneva are friendly and polite and doors at any event are always open for newcomers.
Geneva is a beautiful city with many places of interest, be it for families on vacation, tourists or even honeymoon couples. Discover places not to miss in Geneva.
Weekly couchsurfing meeting
The couchsurfing meeting is regular meeting of travelers and local hosts in central Geneva, Cafe des Volontaires. People are very friendly and welcoming and as the nature of couchsurfing goes - new travelers come every week so not everybody knows everybody. It's easy to get into conversation with someone and quickly make new friends. Most people attending these events are expats from all around the world, living in Geneva.
Time: Every Wednesday, from 8pm (getting fuller at 9pm) until around midnight.
Location: Café des Volontaires, Rue de la Coulouvrenière 26.
In the summer, event takes place nearby by the river, in La Barje des Lavandières.
Check event page because sometimes location changes.
GIA drinks
Geneva Interns Association is organizing weekly meetings always in different bar around Geneva, sometimes joining forces with others event organizers for bigger parties. This is a great place to meet interns and young professionals in 20s and 30s over a drink; as well as get to know new bar/club every week. GIA members (wristband to be bought for CHF3 at the spot) get better prices for drinks.
Events are posted on facebook page of Geneva Interns Association, and in GIA facebook group
Weekly language exchange meetings
There are several language exchange meetings independent on each other (organized by different people) happening regularily on the same day every week. The idea is simple: Come there, sit by the table or stand in common area and try to converse in your desired language, in either formal or informal way.
Tuesday: Mundo Lingo Geneva - L'Ethno Bar, starting 9pm until around midnight. More informal way of talking while standing. Participants can put stickers with flags of languages they are native in and languages they want to practice. Free entry.
Saturday: The english-french exchange of language - Cafe des Savoises, Rue des Savoises 11. Participants can choose to sit by either formal or informal tables. This meeting is free for people who RVSP on the meeting page, otherwise it's 1CHF.
Geneva Runners
If you like running, don't miss Geneva runners group, organizing free running trainings every Mondays and Wednesdays at 7pm, and on Saturdays at 10am. Arrive on time!
Starting point is in front of the entrance to Bains des Pâquis - you can't miss it, as there are always about 50 runners grouping together.
Distance: 8 km or 10 km. Tempo varies, everyone runs by his own means or in small chunks.
After run group heads to nearly Clubhouse, where they have beers or juice and dinner (hamburger with fries) for special price.
Geneva Runners also do many other sporty and running activities (cross-country skiing in the winter, building a teams for Marathons, doing long distance runs) which are advertised on it's facebook group. However you will be only accepted to join the group after you show up and run with them.
Sunday hikes on Saleve
Nature enthusiasts are doing regular hikes on nearby mountain, Saleve. Group size varies between 10-20 people in winter and 25-50 people in summer. No registration required. Hike is for free. Remember Saleve is in France, so bring your passport or European ID with you.
Meeting point: The terminal station of bus 8, Vernier-Douanne - Route du Pas de l'Echelle 111.
Time: Every Sunday at 10am sharp, all over the year.
Website: (scroll down for English)
Contact phone: +41227964133